
Vrelnir on subscribestar.adult

  1. Did Dr. Harper ever read the Hippocratic oath or Declaration of Geneva? 哈珀醫生是否曾經宣讀希波克拉底宣言或日內瓦宣言?Dr. Harper has read both. 哈珀醫生兩個都讀過。
  2. Does Dr. Harper have a favorite book? 哈珀醫生有最喜歡的書嗎? I don't think I'm well read enough to know what Harper's favourite book would be! 我認為以我的閱讀量還沒辦法知道哈珀最喜歡哪本書!
  3. Does Dr. Harper have a favorite plant? 哈珀醫生有喜歡的植物嗎?They like the strange flowers you can grow on Alex' farm. 他們喜歡艾利克斯農場裡種的怪怪的花。
  4. Could Dr. Harper be considered a controlling person? 哈珀醫生可以算是個有控制欲的人嗎?Aye. 是。
  5. Would Dr. Harper be angry if he found out that the staff at the mental hospital sexually harassed PC without telling him? If so, is it because the order of the mental hospital has been disrupted? Or is the PC receiving "treatment" without his permission? 如果哈珀醫生發現精神病院的工作人員瞞著他對PC性騷擾,他會生氣嗎?會的話是因為精神病院的秩序被破壞?抑或是PC在沒有他允許的情況下接受「治療」?They would be angry, as treatment should not be given without Harper's permission. 他們會很生氣,因為未經哈珀的允許不能進行治療。
  6. What are Dr. Harper's interests? (If the answer is work, then I want to know what his interests are besides work) 哈珀醫生的興趣是什麼?(如果答案是工作的話,那我想知道他除了工作之外的興趣是什麼)They're so busy with work! I'd need to think about what they get up to on their down time. 他們的工作太忙了!我需要想一下他們在工作外的時間會做些什麼。
  7. Does Dr. Harper prefer water or coffee? (If he doesn’t like it, does he have any other favorite drinks?) 哈珀醫生更喜歡水或是咖啡?(都不喜歡的話那他有其他喜歡的飲品嗎)Dr. Harper prefers Coffee. 哈珀醫生更喜歡咖啡。
  8. What is Dr. Harper's favorite interaction during sex? 哈珀醫生最喜歡做愛中的哪個互動?They like one partner to be lifted by the other, facing each other. 他們喜歡其中一人被對方舉起來面對面。
  9. Does Dr. Harper enjoy the doctor-patient relationship with PC? If not, then he might prefer some sort of relationship with the PC (or would he prefer no relationship at all? ) 哈珀醫生享受與PC的醫患關係嗎?如果不是,那他可能會更想要和PC建立什麼關係(或他更喜歡毫無關係?)They enjoy the doctor-patient relationship with the PC. 他們很享受和PC的醫患關係。
  10. If the PC observed and analyzed Dr. Harper's behavior, would he be angry? 如果PC觀察並分析哈珀醫生的言行舉止,他會生氣嗎? They wouldn't be angry. 他們不會生氣。
  11. If the PC deified Dr. Harper's position in the doctor-patient relationship (seeing Harper as a savior or god), would he readily accept it? Or does he feel troubled? 如果PC將醫患關係中哈珀醫生的地位神化(將哈珀看作救世主或神),他會欣然接受嗎?抑或是感到困擾?They'd accept it, and work it into the "treatment". 他們會接受,並將其納入「治療」當中。
  12. If PC is different from the past one day and does not follow up appointments on time, is Dr. Harper a little worried about PC? Or are you just a little bit unhappy with PC? PC如果某天不像以往,沒有按時回診,哈珀醫生是否會有一點點的擔心PC?抑或是對PC感到一點點的不愉快?They'd be a little unhappy with the PC. 他們會對PC有一點點不開心。
  13. Does Dr. Harper value outcomes or processes more? 哈珀醫生更重視結果抑或是過程? They value processes more than outcomes. 他們重視過程勝於結果。
  14. Does Dr. Harper have any habits? (At work or after he gets off work) 哈珀醫生有沒有什麼習慣?(在工作時或下班後)It's a good question, and I'd need to think about it! 這是個好問題,我需要考慮一下!
  15. Is "Harper" ( not Dr. Harper) gentle? Or is there a better word to describe him? 「哈珀」(不是哈珀醫生)溫柔嗎? 或者還有什麼更好的詞來形容他? Harper is gentle, in a sense. 在某種意義上,哈珀是溫柔的。