
Vrelnir on subscribestar.adult

  1. Has Dr. Harper ever had dinner with Avery? What do they think of Avery? 哈珀醫生有跟艾弗里吃過飯嗎?他們是怎麼看待艾弗里的?They have, and they think Avery is a fool. 他們有,他們覺得艾弗里是一個傻瓜。
  2. I want to make Dr. Harper’s ID badge merch, I will need Harper's employee number and expiration date! (Maybe it could be a random number and that’s fine, but I wanted to ask you what you think first!) 我想要製作哈珀醫生的識別證,我需要哈珀的員工編號和有效期限!(也許它可以是一個隨機數也沒關係,但我想先問問你的想法!)


> ***哈珀醫生的員工證號碼為:163361***

> ***有效日期則是:2028/04/01***
  1. What was they thinking about when he kissed PC? 他們與PC親吻時都在想些什麼?Nothing.什麼都沒有。
  2. Is Dr. Harper healthy today(2023/12/19)? 哈珀醫生今天(2023/12/19)健康嗎?Yep. 度。
#Pay attention to Dr. Harper’s health every day. #每日關心哈珀醫生健康狀況
  1. Dr. Harper is very busy at work, is it possible that they would take time out for PC? 哈珀的工作很忙,他們可能會為了PC抽出時間嗎? They would, though they'd prefer to involve the PC more in their work. 他們會,不過他們更偏好讓PC參與他們的工作。
  2. Where would they most like to go if they had time (vacation or free days)? 他們如果有時間(休假或空閒的日子)會最想去哪個地方?South America. 南美洲。
  3. Do they eat what they like first or save it for last? 他們是喜歡的東西先吃掉或是留到最後才吃的類型?They save it for last.他們會留到最後吃。
  4. What is Dr. Harper’s representation of love? 哈珀醫生的愛情表現為何?It's in the game! 就在遊戲裡!
  5. Does Dr. Harper love PC? 哈珀醫生愛著PC嗎? Not in the usual sense. 不是常理意義上的。
  6. Apart from the smell that Harper picked up when he went to the farm, how do they usually smell in the hospital? 除了哈珀去農場後的氣味之外,他們在醫院通常聞起來是什麼氣味?Of disinfectant, and something sweet.消毒劑和甜食。
  7. (Possibly outside of the game, but I wonder what Dr. Harper's reaction would be) If PC got a disease that was difficult to treat, would Harper go to great lengths to find a way to treat PC until the last minute?(可能在遊戲內容之外,但我想知道哈珀的反應會是如何)要是PC得了難以治療的病,哈珀是否會竭盡全力到最後一刻都會想辦法治療PC?Aye.是的。