Last update: 2023/12/18

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艾弗里是最滑稽的LI,因為他(在失去PC後)會立刻走出來。Avery is the funniest LI because he'd instantly move on. 這小伙子就是不愛PC。Lad just does not love PC.

他會說「啊太可惜了,她是個漂亮的孩子。要再找另一個會花我不少錢的。」He'd go "Ah fucking shame, she was pretty. Gonna cost me a pretty penny to find another one.” 然後他就會去銀行,領出五千英鎊,像是要去一家他媽的寵物店那樣走向孤兒院。And then he'd go to the bank, take out 5k and walk to the orphanage like he's going to the fucking pet store. 「貝利你有任何受過如廁訓練的純種嗎?要不抽菸不喝酒的那種。」"Bailey you got any purebreed potty trained ones that don't smoke and drink?" 「艾弗里看在他媽的上帝份上別講得像是你要買什麼非常怪異的狗一樣,這讓很不舒服。」"Avery for fucks sake stop talking like you're buying very weird dogs, it makes ME uncomfortable."

每次艾弗里走進或靠近孤兒院貝利就會多五根白頭髮。Bailey gets 5 new gray hairs any time Avery walks in or around the orphanage.

我認真懷疑艾弗里是否能感受到同理心、同情心,或任何產生斯德哥爾摩症侯群所需的東西。I seriously doubt Avery can feel empathy, compassion or anything required for Stockholm. 艾弗里最正向的情緒就是「些許的煩躁」。The most positive emotion Avery can feel is "slight annoyance".


從劇情設定上來看,稱呼艾弗里為一名LI(Love Interest)到底合不合適?我知道從遊戲機制上來說他是,但從劇情角度來看這個詞就不是很合襯。Is it even appropriate to call Avery a LI, in a lore sense? I know that game mechanic wise they are, but lore wise the term just doesn't fit


你可以對他有愛情上的興趣(be love interested in him),但小伙子不在乎。You can be love interested in him but lad does not care.


我們什麼時候能得到「艾弗里對PC沒有任何浪漫愛情的感覺,他只是享受PC做為炮友的陪伴」?Avery not feeling any kind of romantic love towards the pc but eventually just enjoying their company as fuckbuddies when


在他的居住區被設計完成之後。When his living quarters are fleshed out. 我覺得連「享受」這個詞都太誇張了。And also I'd say "enjoy" is pushing it too far. 我懷疑這個男人是否有能力產生比「忍受」更積極的情緒。I doubt this man is capable of anything more positive than "tolerate".

說真的,艾弗里不知道他想要什麼。Real talk, Avery does not know what he wants. 任何知道自己想要什麼的人都不會像他那樣悲慘。No one is THAT miserable if they know what they want.

我的意思是他唯一的興趣是「虐待年輕人」。I mean his ONLY Hobby is "ABUSING YOUNG PEOPLE". 你不覺得這王八蛋完全就是迷失了嗎?And you think that fucker ain't just, lost? 連惠特尼的腦子裡都有更多雜七雜八的想法。Even Whitney has more going on in his head.

這老兄就是,工作,回家,盯著沒打開的電視看,工作。Dude is just, working, going home, staring into a turned off TV, working.



兩千字的場景,僅僅描述著貝利起床、煮咖啡、刷牙、被沸騰的咖啡燙傷、扔掉咖啡、清潔、拿起他的手機、錢包、鑰匙、沒喝咖啡就離開。僅僅描述他存在。2000 word scene of Bailey just waking up, putting coffee to brew, going to wash his teeth, getting burnt by his coffee boiling over, tossing it away, cleaning up, picking up his phone, wallet, keys, leaving without coffee, just being.


貝利100%會寫睡夢日記。Bailey 100% keeps a dream journal.

「另一個關於她的夢。很奇怪,哈珀給我藥片是為了讓我『走出來』,或者幫助我忘記。但每當我忘掉一部份的童年時她又回來了。每隔幾個晚上她又會回來。」 - 2018年1月25日,貝利。"Another dream of her. It's odd, the pills Harper gave me are meant to help with "moving on", or well forgetting. But as much as I forget parts of my childhood she keeps coming back. Every few nights she's back." - January 25th 2018, Bailey.


哈珀:你還在服用鋰劑嗎?Harper: Are you still taking the lithium? 貝利:鋰劑,百憂解。什麼時候才能解脫?Bailey: Lithium, Prozac. When's it gonna end? 哈珀:我們想給你的身體一點刺激。給它……像是踢腳踏板一樣,給它一個小小的啟動。Harper: We're trying to give a jolt to your system. Give it... a little kick-start. 貝利:為什麼不乾脆一腳踢在我頭上?Bailey: Why not kick me in the head? 哈珀:你在經歷的事情非常痛苦,我知道。Harper: What you're going through is very painful, I know that. 貝利:如果你的肋骨間被捅了一刀,那叫痛苦。而這,我什麼都感覺不到。什麼都沒有。死了。空的。Bailey: You get stabbed in the ribs, that's painful. This shit, I don't feel nothing. Nothing. Dead. Empty.


貝利會說「在現實生活中,光有大動作是不夠的。你要始終如一。你要恆常地做好所有事。你要每天做到。」卻因為無法貫徹這句話而持續不斷地自責。Bailey would say "In real life, big gestures aren’t enough. You need to be consistent. You need to be dependably good. You need to do it every day." and be unable to follow through and keep beating himself up over it.


「我想,有些人幫助你成為了現在的自己,而儘管他們註定不會永遠伴隨你的生命,你也可以對他們心存感激。」 - 當貝利談論起伊甸。"I think there are people that help you become the person you end up being, and you can be grateful for them even if they were never meant to be in your life forever." - Bailey talking about Eden.


當我把貝利變得人性化的時候不要期待什麼「噢貝利先生你被誤解得好嚴重!我們原諒你!現在威脅已經消失了,請以仁慈的父親形象繼續管理孤兒院吧!」DoL可不是《神臍小捲毛》。When I am humanizing Bailey don't expect a "Oh Mr. Bailey you were so missunderstood! We forgive you! Now that the threat is gone please keep running the orphanage like a kind father figure!" DoL Isn't Steven Universe. 當我把貝利變得人性化的時候,我更像是在人性化一名將軍——他在破舊的防空洞中盯著文件,接連不斷地讓他的部下去送死,因為他不能在這場戰爭中鬆懈下來。When I humanize Bailey I more so humanize him the same way you'd humanize a general who sends his men to death over and over again because he can't let himself loose this battle and he sits in a battered shelter staring at papers. 並且,當我說我「同情」貝利時並不是指我「同意他的觀點」而是我「感到某種形式的憐憫」。Also when I say "Sympathy" for Bailey I don't mean it with the "agreement with him" I mean with the "feel some form of pity.”


貝利可能有個只供一個螢幕觀賞的Netflix帳戶,而孤兒院的大廳有台爛電視。每次孤兒們試圖看Netflix的時候都會顯示目前已經有太多人在使用這個帳戶。然後你會聽到貝利說出類似「你說得對,華特,你是海森堡」的對白。Bailey probably has a Netflix account with only 1 available screen to watch it on, then there's like a trashy TV in the main hall that orphans try to use Netflix on but every time they do, it just says too many people are using the Netflix account, and you hear bailey saying something along the lines of "that's right Walter, you are Heisenberg”